In this example we will show how to delete the ith duplicate element of a list in Python.
Source Code
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def userList():
n = int(input("Please input the number of elements in the list: "))
a = []
for i in range(n):
j = input("Please input the " + str(i + 1) + "th element: ")
return a
a = userList()
print("Original list: ", a)
b = []
count = 0
el_remove =input("Please input the element to delete: ")
n = int(input("Please input the index of duplicated element: "))
for i in a:
if i == el_remove:
count = count + 1
if count != n:
if count == 0:
print("The element does not exist.")
print("The element {} to be deleted is {}th elment".format(el_remove, count - 1))
print("After deleting: ", b)
Case 1:
Please input the number of elements in the list: 6
Please input the 1th element: Green
Please input the 2th element: Green
Please input the 3th element: Red
Please input the 4th element: Blue
Please input the 5th element: Blue
Please input the 6th element: Green
Original list: ['Green', 'Green', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Blue', 'Green']
Please input the element to delete: Green
Please input the index of duplicated element: 2
The element Green to be deleted is 2th element.
After deleting: ['Green', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Blue', 'Green']
Case 2:
Please input the number of elements in the list: 4
Please input the 1th element: Green
Please input the 2th element: Red
Please input the 3th element: Blue
Please input the 4th element: Green
Original list: ['Green', 'Red', 'Blue', 'Green']
Please input the element to delete: Purple
Please input the index of duplicated element: 2
The element does not exist.