How to Use String expandtabs() Method in PythonPython Basics

The expandtabs() method converts the tab symbol(‘t’) in a string into a whitespace.


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

str = "JasontStanson istthe most famous actor in Hollywood.!!!"

print("The original string is: " + str)
print("str.expandtabs() is: " + str.expandtabs())
print("str.expandtabs(16) is: " + str.expandtabs(16))


The original string is: Jason	Stanson is	the most famous actor in Hollywood.!!!
str.expandtabs() is: Jason   Stanson is      the most famous actor in Hollywood.!!!
str.expandtabs(16) is: Jason           Stanson is      the most famous actor in Hollywood.!!!




The expandtabs() takes an integer tabsize argument. The default value of tabsize is 8.

Return Value

It returns a new string where all ‘t’ characters are replaced with whitespace characters until the next multiple of the tabsize parameter.

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